
Commercial Divers: what is their importance in the area of underwater work and why is it relevant for the growth of the country?

April 28, 2022

According to the Chilean Navy, commercial divers are those who “in possession of the registration have a level of preparation that allows the use of any equipment necessary to perform underwater work that is directly or indirectly related to their activity”. In short, it is the one who is able to dive Deep underwater to perform various types of work.

“Where there is any liquid, water or fluid, in conditions of good, medium or no visibility, in confined or polluted waters, qualified commercial divers are required,” says the institution. At ASI Group LatAm, we specialized in this type of trade, therefore, commercial divers play a fundamental role in the company: carrying our rescue, salvage, maintenance, construction, blasting, location and recovery of lost objects, installation of submerged structures and repair of underwater equipment, among, others.


From there lies the importance of its activity; without their work, the incidents that occur below sea level or in other waters in these terms-and which necessarily require the human hand- could not be solved. This is how we specialized in services with commercial divers, carrying out work under high safety standards, governed by the ASA and ADCI codes, giving our clients the highest quality, professionalism and safety in their performance.  

Our team of commercial divers, in practice, faces an unusual environment that requires a lot of knowledge: the depths of the sea or another watery Surface, which translates into their permanent workplace.

They, then, have certain certifications and requirements necessary to join the team, which are: have mandatory accreditation, DGTM registration, 5 years of experience and 3 years working with Kirby Morgan helmets. In this way it is guaranteed that the work is carried out with excellence.


One of our divers entered to carry out operations in Minera Los Pelambres, Los Vilos


Underwater commercial activity in Chile becoming more relevant over the years given that various areas need to carry out task of this type; mining in the north of the country is an example of them; the food industry; The industrial and hydroelectric sector; among others, to which we provide different supports. This, therefore, requires a large amount of work from commercial divers and companies to underwater operations, such as ASI Group Latam. 

If different areas reinforce this type of trade and institutions develop it, the country advances towards high international standards; those that require, for example adapting to new and complex technologies.

We seek the improvement of all its workers and in this article help you understand the importance of one of them: commercial divers.

Do you need any work of this type or are you a commercial divers and want to know more? Do not hesitate to contact us.

You can review more articles by clicking here: Blog – ASI Group Latam

Sources consulted: Armada de Chile; Revista Vigia- ADCI Chile.


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